30 minutes / HUF 15,000
Migraine headaches are a recurring problem for many people. Body jewelry works by activating a pressure point, which relieves migraine symptoms or even eliminates them completely. The headache will be much less frequent, the intensity and duration of the migraine will decrease. It can be used for almost all types of headaches: cluster, tension, vestibular, frontal, hormonal, etc.
The shenmen piercing continuously stimulates the vagus nerve, thereby stimulating it to activity. The active functioning of the vagus, also known as the planetary nerve, is responsible for calmness. As a result of stress, the activity of the planetary nerve decreases, which leads to stress-related physical disorders.
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What makes it special is that it helps the body resist those bouts of eating that are not based on a real or actual need for nutrient intake. One of the best and most effective ways to eliminate "boredom eating".
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