Skin type test
Get to know your skin by skin-type testing and find out what treatment you need.
100 minutes / HUF 23,000
The process of facial treatment:
Cleansing, toning, scrubbing, steaming, deep cleansing, introduction of active ingredients with thermotherapy or ultrasound, face-, neck-and decolletage massage, rose botox effect mask, application of day cream.
120 minutes / HUF 28,000
The process of facial treatment:
Cleansing, preparation and skin renewal with a Hydrabeauty treatment machine, toning, steaming, deep cleansing, active ingredient intake with thermotherapy or ultrasound, face-, neck- and decolletage massage, rose botox effect mask, finishing with day cream.
80 minutes / HUF 24,000
The process of facial treatment:
Cleansing, preparation and skin renewal with a Hydrabeauty treatment machine, toning, ultrasonic active ingredient injection, face-,neck- and decolletage massage, herbal botox effect mask, application of day cream.
60 minutes / HUF 21,000
The process of facial treatment:
Cleansing, preparation and skin renewal with a Hydrabeauty treatment machine, toning, ultrasonic active ingredient intake, herbal botox effect mask, application of day cream.
50 minutes / HUF 20,500
Description of facial treatment:
In this treatment, we use products containing gold and caviar from the German EtreBelle professional product line.
The treatment with gold and caviar conjures up a perceptibly smoother, more even skin. Deep hydration and intensive care with the pure shine of gold.
Get to know your skin by skin-type testing and find out what treatment you need.