Skin type test
Get to know your skin by skin-type testing and find out what treatment you need.
The process of facial treatment:
After cleansing, the skin is toned, followed by exfoliation preparation. Then steam the face for a few minutes and clean the blackheads. The treatment is continued with a face, neck, and decolletage massage, followed by a moisturizing face mask. The treatment is finished by applying a day cream.
We treat sensitive men's skin with natural products containing light, fast-absorbing active ingredients specially made for men, thus preventing irritation and inflammation resulting from possible disharmony.
In addition to home care, it is also very important to include periodic professional cosmetic treatments, which greatly contribute to keeping men's skin fresh and delaying aging.
Spa treatment for men
The process of facial treatment:
After cleansing, tone and then prepare the skin with a scrub. Using a hydradermabrasion device, we gently remove blackheads with mild exfoliating acids and tighten the skin at the same time. The treatment continues with a face, neck, and decolletage massage, followed by a nourishing botox-effect face mask. The treatment is finished by applying a day cream.
We treat sensitive men's skin with natural products containing light, fast-absorbing active ingredients specially made for men, thus preventing irritation and inflammation resulting from possible disharmony.
Get to know your skin by skin-type testing and find out what treatment you need.